Registration of entities carrying out media activities
Within the different powers incumbent upon ERC under the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, the Statutes of ERC and the Regulatory Decree No. 8/99 of 9 June, republished by Regulatory Decree Nos. 7/2008, of 27 February, 2/2009, of 27 January, and 7/2021, of 6 December, ERC is responsible for supporting the registration of entities carrying out media activities in Portugal, i.e. periodicals, media companies, news agencies, distribution operators, radio broadcasters, providers of on-demand audiovisual services, providers of video platforms, television broadcasters and programme services only provided over the Internet.
On ERC’s website, both citizens and entities carrying out media activities may find:
• The Registration Portal (See User Manual)
• Forms for registration or annotation of entities carrying out media activities
• The complete list of the existing registrations in ERC
• Legislation related to registry procedures of entities carrying out media activities
Answers to frequently asked questions on the registration of entities carrying out media activities are placed here on ERC’s website.
In addition, you can also talk directly to the Registrations Unit by calling +351 210 107 000 (Monday to Thursday from 9.30am to 12.30pm | 14.00pm to 17.00pm and Friday 9.30am to 13.00pm) or by email.