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ERC report looks at accuracy and impartiality in prime time news programmes of the major Portuguese TV channels in 2023

The regulator examined 140 editions of news blocks covering 3,952 news pieces

The Regulatory Authority for the Media (ERC) recently published a report describing how daily prime time news programmes of the four national free-to-air generalist television channels – RTP1, RTP2, SIC, and TVI – and of the national subscription-based generalist channel CMTV have complied with their duties of accuracy and impartiality in 2023.
The report is based on the viewing and analysis of a sample of 140 news editions, totalling 170 hours, 28 minutes, and 53 seconds of broadcasting time.
ERC found that the percentage of news pieces with attributed information (i.e., those that identified at least one source of information) ranged between 86% and 93% in the news programmes of RTP1, RTP2, SIC, and TVI channels. In the case of CMTV channel, this percentage was lower, at 66%.
Additionally, ERC highlighted that, across all TV channels, in 24% to 34% of cases, the source attribution was partial, meaning that only some of the sources of information were correctly identified.
The full report on the "Assessment of Accuracy and Impartiality in Prime-Time Television News on RTP1, RTP2, SIC, TVI, and CMTV in 2023" is available here (Portuguese version).