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ERC publishes assessment report on the respect of the principle of political pluralism in 2023

On 21 January, the Portuguese Regulatory Authority for the Media (ERC) published an evaluation report on how public service TV channels (RTP1, RTP2 e RTP3) and private broadcasters (SIC, TVI, CMTV and Porto Canal) have complied with the principle of political pluralism in the news programming during 2023.

The report, which aims to assess the fair and balanced representation of the various political viewpoints, was adopted by ERC´s Regulatory Board in 12 November 2024. Afterwards, the document was sent both to the Portuguese Parliament and the channels examined to inform them of the findings.

ERC’s analysis of prime-time daily news blocks showed that the percentage of segments featuring political parties ranged from 16.92% to 30.19%, and that the presences of and/or references to the Government in office at the time stood out in all the news blocks.

The full Report on the Respect of the Principle of Political Pluralism in 2023 is available here (Portuguese version).